Online Dating Scams. Don’t Fall For Them!

Online dating scams are probably the most prevalent scam out there right now. Statistics from the Federal Trade Commission indicate that the median loss per individual from dating or romance schemes averages about $2,400 in 2021. Over 55,000 individuals filed complaints with the Federal Trade Commission in 2021 with losses totaling approximately $547 million. Depending on […]
Hiring a private investigator for surveillance

There are a number of reasons why you may need to hire a private investigator to perform surveillance activities. Surveillance can often produce needed answers in a case that cannot be found any other way or may augment information already obtained. Some examples of instances in which surveillance can be helpful might be: Divorce or […]
Is your company experiencing a problem with employee theft?

Did you know?? The National Retail Association found that employees who steal from their employers, average $1,890.00 in theft vs. shoplifters who average $438.00 Losses due to employee theft can take many forms. Missing or shorted deposits Inventory shortages Till theft Data theft Theft of services Billing or payroll schemes (ghost employees) Expense reimbursement schemes […]
Due Diligence

In business and our personal lives, due diligence generally means reasonable care and caution, or proper action called for in a specific instance, especially those that help prevent harm or risk. Due diligence could be exercised when evaluating whether to get involved with a potential business partner. Checking out a potential business partner/company for […]
Can a private investigator help if I suspect infidelity or if I am involved in a child custody matter?

Many good people end up in situations that require the assistance of a private investigator. Divorce, Child custody or suspicion of infidelity, are areas in which employing a private investigator can be instrumental in getting the answers you need in order to make life changing decisions. An investigation might involve documenting suspected infidelity, determining if […]
How can I defend against fraudulent insurance claims?

According to a report by the FBI the total cost of insurance fraud (not including health insurance) is estimated to be $40 billion per year. Some estimate that figure to be closer to $80 billion per year. Regardless, that is quite a sum. With economic conditions as they are, fraud against insurers could further increase. […]
How beneficial is it to hire a private investigator to interview witnesses in a case?

Do you have a case that requires locating and documenting potential witness testimony? What about getting crucial witnesses served with legal process, subpoenas etc.? Witnesses can be crucial in any given case but they can sometimes be difficult to locate, and they may be reluctant to talk. Locating and interviewing witnesses in any case […]