
How beneficial is it to hire a private investigator to interview witnesses in a case?

Do you have a case that requires locating and documenting potential witness testimony? What about getting crucial witnesses served with legal process, subpoenas etc.?

Witnesses can be crucial in any given case but they can sometimes be difficult to locate, and they may be reluctant to talk.  

Locating and interviewing witnesses in any case can be extremely beneficial and can potentially change the entire outcome of a case.  They are a vital part of the discovery process.

Locating and obtaining information from witnesses who have no obligation to speak is truly an artform.

Whether a civil or a criminal case, locking in the statement of a witness can be key in a case. Discovering what the witness knows and is expected to testify to can be instrumental in a case as well.

A private investigator can help identify, locate and interview witnesses who have been overlooked by the prosecution or opposing counsel.  These detailed interviews can provide information not previously discovered and can be vital as sometimes even the smallest of details can be crucial in a case.

Interviewing witnesses sooner rather than later is key.  As time passes memories of events can fade.  The time to conduct an interview is while the memory of the witness is fresh.

There can be value in using a private investigator to conduct independent interviews.  Some people are just plain hesitant to talk to an attorney or the police.  A private investigator can be more of a neutral third party, working to gather all available facts regarding a case through witness or victim interviews.

Often times additional details can be uncovered from witnesses that have already been interviewed by law enforcement.

Interviewing police officers who responded to a call can be beneficial in a case as well.  Many times, information can be obtained that was not otherwise outlined in a report.  Who better to conduct that interview than a former law enforcement officer?

Sometimes it can be beneficial to be proactive in a case by gathering all pertinent witness testimony and presenting that to the District Attorney’s Office before trial.  A private investigator can help with that.  Law enforcement sometimes has limited time and resources to devote to a case, and may not initially know that additional investigation is necessary.  That can be beneficial.

We at Laflin Investigative group are experienced in locating and interviewing witnesses, and will take our time to be very methodical in gathering available information.

Let us put our combined experience in law enforcement and the private sector to work for you.

We have the expertise to document witness testimony and testify in a case if needed.